Thursday, April 1, 2021

GYPSY'S DIARIES - Welcome to my Blog


Every human is born with a spirit of adventure. It manifests in different directions, different spheres and professions. Some people follow them instinctively, some deliberately and some accidentally. 

A person from the backwoods of a little-known place in India is accidentally sucked into the whirlwind of events and lands in a completely strange environments. If that happens frequently, that person becomes a gypsy in spirit. The whole world is his country, his home is on wheels - a caravan. Here one day, there the other. This blog is inspired by the nomadic spirit of an ex-soldier. Living a sedentary life even at the age or 20 in a government office, armed with a degree in accountancy, his spirit pushed him in 1963 to join the army after the 1962 war. 

A new journey had started. Once he was in  one of the remotest places in the world, in a little-known mountain top in the Panj Peer range of the Himalayas. Although he was with the company -  the other company, he was lonely. His mind went down the memory lane and before he realized, he scribbled something in his notebook. It was a journey that stayed with him. A soldier - writer he had become.

One of the fields he dabbled in was blogging in his mother tongue. After moving to England, he tried to write in his 'step-mother tongue'. The style he chose is that of a column called "Hubble Bubble -  A Causerie" written by someone called 'Romesh' in the now extinct and forgotten Illustrated Weekly of India. Here is an attempt to indulge in similar rambling on a path oft trodden. 

Talking of Romesh, no one knows who he was. He did not publish books. He was not known in the 'exalted'  literary circles. Some of the readers of the Weekly believed that he was a senior  officer of the Indian Civil or Administrative Service. His range of subjects, stories he told were extensive and spellbinding.  I still remember some of his articles I had read more than fifty years ago. Maybe I could retell some of them some time.

So, with grateful acknowledgement of inspiration from this great writer Romesh, I present a new blog. Though not as frequent as the 'Weekly' as it was fondly known, it will be random. Hope you will bear with me please! 

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